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Why work with me?

From solo wedding planners to
branding agencies with a virtual team

And all the creative professions in between.

I’ve been working with creative service professionals for 11+ years on marketing strategy, content that leads to action, and getting the right people to take the right next step.

That means I understand the challenges you face getting recognized as the expert you are. And I know how to overcome those challenges, so your prospects turn into leads that already trust you.

I go deeper and broader, to find what’s right for you

Every marketing tactic can work. Or not.

As both a strategist and a professional copywriter, I help you with both planning and taking action. Working collaboratively, you and I will pinpoint the marketing methods that will get you to your goals the fastest. I’ll then guide you through that process. Or I can take it off your plate completely and do it for you.

Either way, you won’t be left with a great to-do list and have no idea how to take those next steps.

When prospects have zero understanding of your craft, it’s hard to stand out

I combine the best practices of nonprofit storytelling with the step-by-step explanations of technical writing.

That means I understand your technical expertise, and relay it so your client appreciates its relevance personally or professionally. Cutting down the decision-making and getting them closer to hiring you.

Ready for eager clients who value your expertise?

Check out my services – it is my honor to help you get the clients you deserve.

"My customers are responding, engaging, and asking for more"

“I had my regulars on the email list who replied all the time, but Dina found a way to connect to so many more. I thought they wanted baking and cooking tips. Dina showed me they want more philosophical musing and inspirational stories, and they want it more often. They are responding and engaging and asking for more content from me. I didn’t understand the power of what I had, until Dina worked her magic.”

Tamar Ansh

Jerusalem Challah Experience